Tsunami Photography: Blog https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog en-us (C) Louis E. Keiner and Lesley M. Etherson (Tsunami Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:50:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:50:00 GMT https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/img/s/v-12/u564779355-o416258589-50.jpg Tsunami Photography: Blog https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog 120 120 Sunrise over Dunn Sound, Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/sunrise-over-dunn-sound-waties-island This morning I went out to Waties Island to catch the sunrise and do some long-exposure shots. The moon made a cameo as well: Dawn from the Waties Island Causeway, across Dunn Sound And I was reminded why you should always make sure the legs on your tripod are secure, as this double exposure shows:

(Tsunami Photography) Little River South Carolina Sunrise Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/sunrise-over-dunn-sound-waties-island Fri, 15 May 2015 13:53:57 GMT
Horseshoe Crab, Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/horseshoe-crab-waties-island I went to Waties Island tonight to photograph the sunset. I really wasn't that impressed by the colors, though. I much preferred this shot of a horseshoe crab shell washed up on shore. 

LK_20150502_1282-smLK_20150502_1282-smWaties Island

(Tsunami Photography) Black and White South Carolina Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/horseshoe-crab-waties-island Sun, 03 May 2015 03:29:12 GMT
Lainey https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/lainey Senior photos for Lainey. We shot the set in Vereen Gardens, in Little River, SC.


(Tsunami Photography) Senior Photos Vereen Gardens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/lainey Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:45:00 GMT
Star Trails https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/star-trails Star Trails Only-smStar Trails Only-sm90 minutes of star trails in Little River, SC. We rarely get skies this clear to be able to do this.


Here in the Southeast, We don't often get skies as clear and air as dry as it was tonight, so I took the opportunity to photograph star trails. This is a 90 minute series of 30 second exposures at f/5.6, ISO 800, stacked in Photoshop. 


(Tsunami Photography) astrophotography star trails https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/star-trails Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:00:00 GMT
Tin Type Effect https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/tin-type-effect Recently, photographer Victoria Will's series of Tin Type portraits of stars at the Sundance Festival was widely shared on the web. I liked the effect, but not having the equipment to do them myself, I decided to use software to simulate the effect. I used existing portraits of friends Fiona and Q, and used Silver Effects Pro and Photoshop to create the effect.

The texture was obtained from Flickr user Renee Robinson, aka Playingwithbrushes, who kindly shared her texture set under Creative Commons


FionaFionaTintype Effect using Silver Effects Pro and Photoshop. Tintype effect used CC Texture by Flickr user Renee Robinson.


QQTintype Effect using Silver Effects Pro and Photoshop. Tintype effect used CC Texture by Flickr user Renee Robinson.

(Tsunami Photography) Tin Type Effect https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/tin-type-effect Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:45:00 GMT
Oak Island Lighthouse https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/oak-island-lighthouse The Oak Island Lighthouse at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, shortly after dark:



(Tsunami Photography) North Carolina Oak Island Lighthouse https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/oak-island-lighthouse Sun, 22 Mar 2015 14:45:00 GMT
Arlie Gardens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/arlie-gardens Today we went to visit Arlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC. I'd not been there before, and I was impressed by the beautiful and eclectic gardens, including, of course, the glass house:

LK_20150131_0156-smLK_20150131_0156-smArlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC LK_20150131_0177-smLK_20150131_0177-smArlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC LK_20150131_0299-smLK_20150131_0299-smArlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC LK_20150131_0315-smLK_20150131_0315-smArlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC LK_20150131_0406-smLK_20150131_0406-smArlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC

(Tsunami Photography) Arlie Gardens Wilmington NC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/arlie-gardens Sat, 31 Jan 2015 15:30:00 GMT
Jupiter and Moons https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/1/jupiter-and-moons Recently, I borrowed one of the 9-inch Celestron telescopes from school to do some astrophotography. I mounted my Canon 5D III to it and took photos of Jupiter, which was rising early in the evening. In this photo, you can also see three of the Galilean moons (the four moons that Galileo discovered with his telescope). These are probably Io, Europa, Ganymede, while Callisto is a bit further out. I could be mistaken, as I don't know where in their orbital period each of them is on that date.

LK_20150119_0006-smLK_20150119_0006-smJupiter and three of the Galilean Moons. Taken with a Canon 5D III mounted on a Celestron 9-in telescope.

(Tsunami Photography) Astrophotography Europa Ganymede Io Jupiter Moons https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/1/jupiter-and-moons Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:02:13 GMT
Cherry Grove Pier at Dawn https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/cherry-grove-pier-at-dawn I went looking for sunrise color, but got something just as good:

Cherry Grove Pier in North Myrtle Beach, SC


(Tsunami Photography) Cherry Grove SC Long Exposure North Myrtle Beach SC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/cherry-grove-pier-at-dawn Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:23:05 GMT
A Christmas Carol https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/a-christmas-carol Atlantic Stage produced Kevin Ferguson's adaptation of A Christmas Carol again this year, and the production was even better than last year's!

LK_20141125_0373LK_20141125_0373The 2014 Atlantic Stage production of A Christmas Carol. LE_20141125_0112LE_20141125_0112The 2014 Atlantic Stage production of A Christmas Carol. LE_20141125_0293LE_20141125_0293The 2014 Atlantic Stage production of A Christmas Carol. LK_20141125_0643LK_20141125_0643The 2014 Atlantic Stage production of A Christmas Carol. LE_20141125_0589LE_20141125_0589The 2014 Atlantic Stage production of A Christmas Carol.

(Tsunami Photography) A Christmas Carol Atlantic Stage Charles Dickens Theatre https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/a-christmas-carol Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:15:00 GMT
Hanging Rock Waterfalls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/hanging-rock-waterfalls I visited one of my favorite parks, Hanging Rock State in North Carolina. While I had only a very short time to fight the crowds (at mid-day) and get some photos, I think that some came out:

Window Falls, Hanging Rock State Park, North CarolinaWindow Falls, Hanging Rock State Park, North CarolinaWindow Falls, Hanging Rock State Park, North Carolina

(Tsunami Photography) Hanging Rock State Park Waterfall https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/12/hanging-rock-waterfalls Sun, 26 Oct 2014 01:30:00 GMT
to West Virginia and back https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/to-west-virginia-and-back While the weather while we were in West Virginia wasn't the best for seeing and photographing the beautiful mountains, we did manage a few good photos there and on the way back through the Virginia mountains.

Kenawha Falls, WV - A combination of multiple exposures:

LK_20141006_0039-44-smLK_20141006_0039-44-smKenawha Falls, WV - A combination of multiple exposures. Pine Grove United Methodist Church, Bastian, VA - - A combination of multiple exposures:

LK_20141006_0071-5-smLK_20141006_0071-5-smPine Grove United Methodist Church, Bastian, VA - - A combination of multiple exposures. LK_20141006_0061_HDR-smLK_20141006_0061_HDR-smFields near Bastian, VA - - A combination of multiple exposures. LK_20141006_0121-5-smLK_20141006_0121-5-smAlmost Fall colors near Bland, VA - A combination of multiple exposures.

(Tsunami Photography) HDR Virginia West Virginia https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2015/5/to-west-virginia-and-back Mon, 06 Oct 2014 18:15:00 GMT
WFTDA D1 Playoffs https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/10/wftda-d1-playoffs This weekend I was in Charleston, WV for the Women's Flat Track Derby Association's playoffs. It was, as always, a great experience, and I'll be processing and posting all the photos here eventually. Rose City vs Victorian Roller Derby

Philly vs Atlanta Columbia Quad Squad vs. Rose City Rollergirls Columbia Quad Squad vs. Rose City Rollergirls Boston Derby Dames vs Columbia Quad Squad

(Tsunami Photography) Cherleston WV Playoffs Roller Derby WFTDA https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/10/wftda-d1-playoffs Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:14:31 GMT
Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/waties-island I tried several things with photos at Waties Island tonight. Most didn't work, and that's OK, but this one turned out like I envisioned it:

LK_20140727_0044LK_20140727_0044Sunset through the sea oats on Waties Island, SC.

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography Sunset Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/waties-island Tue, 29 Jul 2014 03:27:34 GMT
Emma and her Viola https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/emma-and-her-viola I was practicing some shallow depth of field portraits tonight with Emma. Nothing was really working until she got her viola. The it clicked.

I had one studio Alien Bee on minimum power, and a reflector over the other, to make this large aperture shot work.


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Shallow Depth of Field Viola https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/emma-and-her-viola Sun, 27 Jul 2014 03:30:00 GMT
Lake Waccamaw Sunset https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/lake-waccamaw-sunset This week we drove up to Lake Waccamaw, a submerged Carolina Bay in North Carolina. We drove around the lake to the state park, then hiked around until sunset. The sunset was quite spectacular in its color - the only problem was the swarms of mosquitoes that attacked as we photographed.

Sunset over Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. An HDR composite of several exposures. Sunset over Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. An HDR composite of several exposures. Sunset over Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. An HDR composite of several exposures.

(Tsunami Photography) Lake Waccamaw Local Photography Sunset https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/lake-waccamaw-sunset Fri, 25 Jul 2014 04:19:54 GMT
Wedding: Mary and Lee https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/wedding-mary-and-lee Mary and Lee got married in a private ceremony on the coast last weekend. I was honored to be present to document the event:



(Tsunami Photography) Beach Bird Island Ocean Isle Beach Wedding https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/wedding-mary-and-lee Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:15:00 GMT
North Myrtle Beach Lifeguard Competition https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/north-myrtle-beach-lifeguard-competition This week we photographed the Lifeguard Competition at North Myrtle Beach. It was great to see all these lifeguards from up and down the coast competing in grueling events all day long. 

Full set: https://flic.kr/s/aHsjZwEtfP

LK_20140709_0106-smLK_20140709_0106-smNorth Myrtle Beach Lifeguard Competition 2014 LK_20140709_0145-smLK_20140709_0145-smNorth Myrtle Beach Lifeguard Competition 2014 LK_20140709_0179-smLK_20140709_0179-smNorth Myrtle Beach Lifeguard Competition 2014 LK_20140709_0199-smLK_20140709_0199-smNorth Myrtle Beach Lifeguard Competition 2014

(Tsunami Photography) Beach Lifeguard Competition North Myrtle Beach, SC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/north-myrtle-beach-lifeguard-competition Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:45:00 GMT
Fireworks https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/fireworks Everyone needs a little long-exposure fireworks shooting on the 4th of July.

Full Set: https://flic.kr/s/aHsjZp4t4i


LK_20140704_0040-smLK_20140704_0040-sm4th of July Fireworks at Cherry Grove Pier, North Myrtle Beach, SC

(Tsunami Photography) Fireworks North Myrtle Beach, SC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/fireworks Sun, 06 Jul 2014 03:45:00 GMT
Belles of the Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/belles-of-the-beach This week, I shot a beauty pageant down in Pawley's Island. The Belles of the Beach pageant is a 'natural' pageant, which means no over-the-top makeup and such - no trying to make the girls look older than they really are. It was because of that that I agreed to shoot it, and it was a fun experience:

LK_20140607_1244LK_20140607_1244Summer SUNsation Pageant, Pawleys Island, SC - Belles of the Beach State Pageants

(Tsunami Photography) Beauty Pageant Belles of the Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/7/belles-of-the-beach Tue, 10 Jun 2014 03:00:00 GMT
St. James Santee Church https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/st-james-santee-church An 18th century church building on what was once the main coastal road, but is now far off the beaten path. Near McClellanville, SC, just south of Hampton Plantation and the Santee River.

From the historical marker:
"Erected in 1768, this edifice, officially known as Wambaw Church, was situated on the King´s Highway. It is the fourth church to serve St. James Santee Parish. The parish, founded in 1706 at the request of French Huguenot settlers, was the second oldest in the colony. The Rev. Samuel Fenner Warren served as parish rector from 1758 until his death in 1789."

St. James - Santee Episcopal Church - The Brick Church, or the Wambaw Church An HDR combination of exposures Inside St. James - Santee Episcopal Church - The Brick Church, or the Wambaw Church An HDR combination of exposures

(Tsunami Photography) McClellanville SC St. James Santee Church https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/st-james-santee-church Sat, 15 Feb 2014 09:45:00 GMT
High Key Study https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/high-key-study Lesley was kind enough to pose for some practice shots with high-key lighting:

High Key StudyHigh Key Study1/200 f/29 ISO 800

(Tsunami Photography) High Key https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/high-key-study Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:45:00 GMT
The Rolling 20's! https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/the-rolling-20s Cape Fear Rollergirls End of 2013 Season Banquet -- The Rolling 20's! at The Blind Elephant in Wilmington, NC.

Vintage film effect through Nik Silver Effects Pro - custom settings.
2013 Cape Fear Rollergirls End of Year Banquet -- The Rolling 20's! at The Blind Elephant in Wilmington, NC.

Vintage film effect through Nik Silver Effects Pro - custom settings.
(Tsunami Photography) 1920s Cape Fear Rollergirls Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/5/the-rolling-20s Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:30:00 GMT
Hamish the Guinea Pig https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/hamish-the-guinea-pig LK_20140125_0081LK_20140125_0081Hamish the Guinea Pig.

(Tsunami Photography) guinea pig https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/hamish-the-guinea-pig Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:17:10 GMT
Ice Crystals on a January morning https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/ice-crystals-on-a-january-morning LK_20140117_0845-Edit-untitledLK_20140117_0845-Edit-untitledIce Crystals on a January Morning. A Macro Focus-Stack of 4 images. 50mm lens and extension tube.

(Tsunami Photography) ice crystals https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/ice-crystals-on-a-january-morning Fri, 17 Jan 2014 22:30:00 GMT
Driving Miss Daisy https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/driving-miss-daisy Photos from Atlantic Stage's production of Driving Miss Daisy, in Myrtle Beach, SC:

LK_20140108_0273LK_20140108_0273Driving Miss Daisy, by Alfred Uhry, a production of Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, SC.

(Tsunami Photography) Atlantic Stage Driving Miss Daisy Theatre https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/driving-miss-daisy Tue, 14 Jan 2014 22:30:00 GMT
First Lego League https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/first-lego-league Photos from the First Lego League Tornament, held at Coastal Carolina University:

LK_20140111_0099LK_20140111_0099The Horry County First Lego League Tournament, at Coastal Carolina University

(Tsunami Photography) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/first-lego-league Sat, 11 Jan 2014 22:15:00 GMT
Composite Study https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/composite-study A study in compositing imagery. Me (not) at Cherry Grove Pier:

Composite at Cherry Grove Pier LK_20131230_0020_Edit-smLK_20131230_0020_Edit-smCombination of 5 exposures of the Cherry Grover Pier. LK_20131230_0015_Edit_1-smLK_20131230_0015_Edit_1-smMore Cherry Grove.

(Tsunami Photography) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/composite-study Mon, 30 Dec 2013 22:15:00 GMT
Christmas Lights https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/christmas-lights Christmas Lights in the neighborhood:

LK_20131231_0027-smChristmas Lights

(Tsunami Photography) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/christmas-lights Sat, 28 Dec 2013 22:15:00 GMT
Tsunami's Selfie Studio https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/tsunamis-selfie-studio This year at Deck the Dolls, I set up a "selfie" booth for people to come and take a photo of themselves. I got an overwhelmingly positive response to it, and it looks like I'll be doing it again the future:


LK_20131214_0177LK_20131214_0177Taken at Tsunami's Selfie Studio at PSRG's Deck the Dolls Invitational, December 14, 2013 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.


(Tsunami Photography) Deck the Dolls Invitational Palmetto State Rollergirls Photography Roller Derby Selfie https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/tsunamis-selfie-studio Tue, 24 Dec 2013 05:41:46 GMT
Deck the Dolls III https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/deck-the-dolls-iii This past weekend was the Palmetto State Rollergirl's Deck the Dolls Invitational. This year, we were able to host it at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. It included Roller Derby Bouts from Juniors Level 1&2, Juniors Level 3, Fresh Meat Skaters, a Co-ed bout, and a Veteran Skater bout. Below are some of the photos from each bout - the photos link to the full set of photos on Flickr.

Junior Level 1&2:

Junior Level 3:

Fresh Meat:


(Tsunami Photography) Deck the Dolls Invitational Palmetto State Rollergirls Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/deck-the-dolls-iii Mon, 16 Dec 2013 05:45:00 GMT
Lightbulb https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/lightbulb Tonight I photographed a lightbulb burning out. To make it burn like this, I carefully drilled a hole in the base, and let the outside air in. (Lightbulbs are usually filled with an inert gas.) When you turn it on in the presence of oxygen, you have the ingredients for a small flame inside the bulb as the tungsten burns. This happens very quickly, so you have to be ready. You can find the full set here: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjNtxfw6

LK_20131203_0028-smLK_20131203_0028-smThe burning filament in a lightbulb. A hole was drilled in the bulb to let the air in to let the filament burn in a few seconds.

(Tsunami Photography) Lightbulb Burning https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/12/lightbulb Thu, 12 Dec 2013 04:29:16 GMT
A Christmas Carol https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/a-christmas-carol Over the past two nights, I shot the dress rehearsal and preview performance for Atlantic Stage's production of A Christmas Carol. This production was special to me because Lesley and Emma were both performing - Lesley as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, and Emma as Martha Cratchett.

LK_20131126_27-001LK_20131126_27-001A Christmas Carol - A production of Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, SC

LK_20131126_27-020LK_20131126_27-020A Christmas Carol - A production of Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, SC

LK_20131126_27-040LK_20131126_27-040A Christmas Carol - A production of Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, SC

LK_20131126_27-044LK_20131126_27-044A Christmas Carol - A production of Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, SC

(Tsunami Photography) A Christmas Carol Atlantic Stage https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/a-christmas-carol Sat, 30 Nov 2013 04:27:33 GMT
Falls of the Rappahannock https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/falls-of-the-rappahannock A cold Thanksgiving week sunset at the Falls of the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg, VA.

LK_20131125_0021-24-EditLK_20131125_0021-24-EditNovember Sunset at the Falls of the Rappahannock

(Tsunami Photography) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2014/1/falls-of-the-rappahannock Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:15:00 GMT
Messing with the Archives https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/Messing-with-the-Archives After the positive response that I got to my adaptations of the WFTDA Asheville Playoffs photos, I decided to go back to the archives and apply it to some of my earlier work. Some of these images appear in Blood & Thunder Magazine, Issue #23.







(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/Messing-with-the-Archives Sun, 10 Nov 2013 10:07:20 GMT
New Camera https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/New-Camera OK, it’s actually used. But new to me. A test self-portrait with my new Canon 5D MkIII:


(Tsunami Photography) 5D3 Family Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/11/New-Camera Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:48:23 GMT
Roller Derby, Reimagined https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/10/Roller-Derby-Reimagined After I finished processing the photos from the divisional playoffs in Asheville (see previous post), I decided to work a little on stylizing some of them. I had an idea of the effect that I wanted, but I’m not sure what to call it - high-pass, selectively desaturated, painting-like, doesn’t quite roll off the tongue. But you can see for yourself. I ended up passing the photos through Lightroom, Photomatix and Photoshop to get the effect. Some of the images end up looking comic-book-like, some end up looking hyper-real, depending on the treatment I though looked best for each one.

The entire set can be found here on Flickr.




(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby WFTDA https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/10/Roller-Derby-Reimagined Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:35:59 GMT
Best of the 2013 Asheville Playoffs https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Best-of-the-2013-Asheville-Playoffs I’ve compiled a set of my favorite shots from the Roller Derby Playoffs in Asheville. Click this link to see the best-of album. Individual bouts are listed below the photo.

Best of Asheville WFTDA D1 Playoffs 2013


Individual Bouts:




(Tsunami Photography) Asheville NC Photography Playoffs Roller Derby WFTDA https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Best-of-the-2013-Asheville-Playoffs Sat, 28 Sep 2013 15:09:15 GMT
WFTDA Divisional Playoffs in Asheville, NC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/WFTDA-Divisional-Playoffs-in-Asheville-NC Last weekend, I got a chance to see some great derby, and shoot alongside a bunch of amazing photographers. Asheville wasn’t bad, either.

Here’s a group shot of the medal ceremony. I’ll be adding the photos to this collection on Flickr as I finish them:


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/WFTDA-Divisional-Playoffs-in-Asheville-NC Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:57:53 GMT
Palmetto State at the Carolina Bootleggers https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Palmetto-State-at-the-Carolina-Bootleggers This weekend, Palmetto State traveled to Dorton Arena in Raleigh to take on the Carolina Bootleggers.
This set on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjJ6DYgQ






(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Palmetto-State-at-the-Carolina-Bootleggers Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:18:02 GMT
All in the Timing https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/All-in-the-Timing This week, we shot the Atlantic Stage production of All in the Timing, by David Ives.

You can find the full set of photos on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjJmTe9Z







(Tsunami Photography) Photography Theatre https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/All-in-the-Timing Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:09:57 GMT
CRG Debutante Brawlers vs CRG Trauma Queens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/CRG-Debutante-Brawlers-vs-CRG-Trauma-Queens The last meeting ever between these two Carolina hometeams.
Full set on Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjJaYBf4





(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/CRG-Debutante-Brawlers-vs-CRG-Trauma-Queens Sun, 08 Sep 2013 16:38:29 GMT
PSRG Labor Pains Tournament https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/PSRG-Labor-Pains-Tournament This holiday weekend, the Palmetto State Rollergirls held their annual Labor Pains tournament. This year the guests were the Lowcountry Highroller Brusin’ Betties and the Gastonia G-Force. Links to the photos I took are below:

Bout 1: PSRG vs LCHR Bruisin’ Betties
Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjHVGcnx


Bout 2: LCHR Brusin Betties vs G-Force
Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjJ1mx3U


Bout 3: G-Force vs. PSRG
Flickr: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjJ2AL2w


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/PSRG-Labor-Pains-Tournament Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:04:56 GMT
Neighbor https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Neighbor One of our backyard neighbors:

and in the front yard:

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/9/Neighbor Thu, 05 Sep 2013 18:19:04 GMT
Last Day in Oregon https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/8/Last-Day-in-Oregon A drive back up the coast to the airport in Portland to catch an evening flight back to the East Coast:

I stopped along the way at the Devil’s Punch Bowl:


Had lunch in Pacific City, a resort town and popular surfing location where parking is horrendous in summer.


I managed to find a spot, because I wanted to have lunch at the Pelican Brewery, and try their Tsunami Stout. I’m glad I did, as both the food and beer were very good.

For most of the afternoon, I hiked the Cape Lookout trail. The view looking south towards Pacific City from halfway up the trail:

A few miles later, I made it to the end of the peninsula:

which was a nice way to end my time in Oregon:

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/8/Last-Day-in-Oregon Sat, 10 Aug 2013 06:44:24 GMT
Cape Perpetua https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/8/Cape-Perpetua On Saturday, I spent the day at Cape Perpetua, between the towns of Yachats and Florence, Oregon. In the morning, I visited Heceta Head Lighthouse:





And then then went to Cape Petpetua itself, where there ocean has eroded the volcanic basalt shoreline into a craggy, irregular form.

There are several chasms cut into the shore, like the Devil’s Churn:

The waves are supposed especially impressive during high tide. I wasn’t there during high tide in the afternoon, but the waves were still not bad:

I also went down the shore to Thor’s Well, a large hole in the basalt where water can come in from below or pour down into it. Once again, not high tide, but still impressive:

I came back much later in the day, hoping for a combination of sunset and high tide, but no. The sun was behind clouds the entire time, and it ended up getting dark before high tide. I was still impressed by the ocean’s power there:



And I ended up running from large waves a lot:

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/8/Cape-Perpetua Sat, 10 Aug 2013 06:31:54 GMT
Silver Falls and Proxy Falls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Silver-Falls-and-Proxy-Falls On Friday, I drove south to see Silver Falls State Park. There’s a few well-known waterfalls there, and I especially wanted to see South Falls. Unfortunately, by the time I arrived in late morning, the park was fairly crowded. Ah well. As with many falls, overcast skies would have been better, but this was my opportunity. Here is South Falls:

South Falls is nice in that it’s the type of waterfall that you can walk behind:

After that, I drove south, towards south-central Oregon. I had heard about an amazing place called Proxy Falls, in the Three Sisters Wilderness area of Willamette National Forest. I was hoping to get there before dusk, in that it’s a couple miles off the mountain road, and I really didn’t want to be out there alone after dark. As it was, I just made it. The falls is located off of a mountain pass road that’s only open in the summer, in an area that alternates forest with lava fields:

It turns out, the hike was worth it:

Proxy Falls gives you two distinct views. On from the ridge across the hollow, and one from below.

The stream below the falls:

From the base of the falls:



All the photos from that afternoon can be seen here on Flickr.

I would have loved to have stayed longer, but the sun was setting behind the ridge, and I didn’t want to be hiking back in the dark. After that, I turned towards the coast, and, driving through Eugene and Florence, made it to my hotel in Waldport at midnight.

(Tsunami Photography) Oregon Photography Proxy Falls Silver Falls State Park South Falls Travel Waterfalls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Silver-Falls-and-Proxy-Falls Fri, 19 Jul 2013 07:07:23 GMT
Back to the Gorge https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Back-to-the-Gorge On Thursday, when the conference was over, I drove back to the Columbia Gorge.

[All the photos can be seen here on Flickr.]

I first stopped at a building that we had first seen from the highway far below. Vista House was the apparently what rest areas looked like in 1916 when it was built, along the new Highway 30 (now called the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway). Stone, stained glass, etc. It now houses a museum and visitors center.


I then drove to Latourell Falls, a bit farther down the road. It has a gorgeous mass of yellow lichen on the side of the cliff:



Then I drove a bit farther down to the very popular Bridal Veil Falls. (I think there’s a Bridal Veil Falls in every state…)

And also photographed the stream below the falls:

Then it was back to Portland, with a last dinner at Kells Brew Pub, which was down the hill from my hotel, as I was off on another road trip the next morning.

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Back-to-the-Gorge Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:00:53 GMT
Hoyt Arboretum https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Hoyt-Arboretum On Tuesday, I took an afternoon off from the conference and hiked around Portland’s Hoyt Arboretum:

All the photos are here.

The view of Mt. St. Helens from the Arboretum:



Among the Giant Sequoias:

The path into the Sequoias:

A tree holding tenaciously onto a vertical stream-bank:

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Hoyt-Arboretum Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:20:11 GMT
Portland Japanese Garden https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Portland-Japanese-Garden On Sunday before Lesley and Emma left, we spent the morning in the Portland Japanese Garden:

Link to the full set here.








(Tsunami Photography) Family Oregon Photography Portland Japanese Garden Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Portland-Japanese-Garden Sun, 14 Jul 2013 20:00:02 GMT
Dams, Salmon, and Lampreys (oh my!) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Dams-Salmon-and-Lampreys-oh-my On Friday, we left Hood River and headed back along the Columbia Gorge towards Portland. Our first stop of the day was the Bonneville Dam and Power Station, a hydroelectric facility on the Columbia River. We stopped at the visitors’ center:

and saw the spillways:

and toured the fish ladder exhibit, where you can view the salmon (and other fish) swimming upstream past the dam:

and there were some other things there as well, including lampreys:

here’s a video of them latched onto the observation window:

After that, we went hiking a few miles up Eagle Creek:

to Punch Bowl Falls:


I took some time to get the iconic shot of the falls, using long exposures:

while Lesley and Emma wandered off to Lower Punch Bowl Falls. You can see the crowd of people in the upper left – that’s where the last photo was taken. This is another spot that you have to come at a time when there’s no one else around to get the photos you want.

After that, we had lunch at the Cascade Locks Ale House, and drove to see Horsetail Falls:

and then hiked up the trail to the upper falls, Ponytail Falls:


then drove to our next hotel in Beaverton and visited (after dinner at Taco Bell) the suburban location of Powell’s Books.

A good day.

(Tsunami Photography) Bonneville Dam Eagle Creek Trail Family Horsetail Falls Lamprey Oregon Photography Ponytail Falls Punch Bowl Falls Travel Waterfalls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Dams-Salmon-and-Lampreys-oh-my Fri, 12 Jul 2013 23:02:00 GMT
Mount Hood https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Mount-Hood On Thursday, we drove down to the area around Mt. Hood. We first stopped off at the ranger station to get our backcountry recreation passes. We then drove around the south side of Mount Hood to the Mirror Lake trail. The trail goes 1.5 miles up the mountain to the lake, where you can get some great views of Mt. Hood reflected in the lake. That is, if there isn’t a million people there; it’s a popular trail.

There were people swimming in the lake as well. If you want a good mirror effect from the mountain, you probably have to come early in the morning.

I ended up taking some long-exposure photos to smooth out the ripples and the bathers:

After that, we drove up to Timberline Lodge, to view the ski slopes on the mountain. Even though it’s summer, there’s still enough snow on enough of the mountain for people to ski.


We then drove to Trillium Lake, where there are other good views of the mountain. Once again, there were a lot of people and a lot of waves because of them, but I did the best I could with combinations of long-exposures:


After that, we drove back to Hood River, and ate dinner at the Trillium Cafe.

(Tsunami Photography) Family Mirror Lake Mt. Hood Oregon Photography Travel Trillium Lake https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Mount-Hood Thu, 11 Jul 2013 20:00:42 GMT
Transition to the Mountains https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Transition-to-the-Mountains [The entire set of photos from our trip is on Flickr]

On Wednesday, we went to Fort Clatsop in the morning. This is the outpost that was built by Lewis and Clark’s expedition when it got to the Pacific Ocean. We toured a recreation of the fort:

Emma participated in Candle Making:

We saw a demonstration of musket fire:

And we ate at Taco Bell for lunch.

In the afternoon, we drove to the Columbia Gorge, where the Columbia River flows through a thin channel as it exits the mountains, where there’s a lot of great waterfalls.

Our first stop was at Wahkeena Falls:

This is where Emma took off up the trail up the mountain, even though it wasn’t the trail that I was planning on using.

That actually turned out to be good, because we ended up (2 miles and 700 vertical feet later) at Fairy Falls:

And I took some more photos of falls and things coming down the trail.




We then went to Multnomah Falls: (like everyone else)

And went to our hotel in old town Hood River:

And dinner at the Full Sail Brewery.

(Tsunami Photography) Columbia Gorge Family Hood River Multnomah Falls Oregon Photography Travel Wahkeena Falls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Transition-to-the-Mountains Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:12:44 GMT
Coast https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Coast On Tuesday, we had a full day. You can find the full set on Flickr:

We had fun on the Astoria Riverwalk: LK_20130709_0037-sm

We drove out to the coast at Ecola State Park:



We walked along the Haystack and Needles at Cannon Beach:

We admired the view from the Astoria Column:

And had dinner at Fort George Brewing Company.

(Tsunami Photography) Astoria Cannon Beach Ecola State Park Family Oregon Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Coast Tue, 09 Jul 2013 09:09:20 GMT
Traveling https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Traveling We flew out to Portland today for our family vacation. It was a good flight. I haven’t flown Delta in years; I had gotten tired of the cramped planes they flew from MB and also of going through Atlanta. However, it was pleasant the entire way!

Hertz, however, sucked. We waited with a zillion other people for almost 2 hours for a car. Apparently they miscalculated how many cars they would need on that day. Had I not pre-paid (my mistake), I would have left and walked 20 feet to another car rental company. We ended up with a car, technically an upgraded size, but not one that I’d choose. And after a week of driving that, I can also safely say that I’d never buy a Jeep Patriot.

We drove from Portland out to the coast. Our hotel was in Astoria on the waterfront. From there we drove several places over the next few days. I wanted to show Lesley and Emma the Pacific Ocean, and I thought a good place to do that would be at Fort Stevens State Park, where there’s an old shipwreck that’s pretty in the sunset. That was indeed very cool, the only problem(s) was(were) that it was freezingcold with wind off the water, the sun was setting behind clouds, and a zillion other people had the same idea, and were climbing all over the wreck. There were a couple of other photographers there who were quite annoyed by that. I guess if you want a nice shot of the wreck of the Peter Iredale at sunset, you’ve got to come in winter. The full set of photos can be found here.

This is the wreck at sunset, when some of the crowd wandered off:

Since the sunset angle wasn’t working, I decided to try shooting the other way to get some color, and waiting until most of the people had given up on the sunset:

A girder sticking out of the sand:

So, not the most auspicious start to the trip, but not too bad. We made it, saw the sunset over the Pacific, and were ready for the next day.

(Tsunami Photography) Astoria Family Fort Stevens State Park Oregon Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/Traveling Mon, 08 Jul 2013 20:00:41 GMT
ECDX https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/ECDX Last weekend was the East Coast Derby Extravaganza in Philadelphia. I’m buried under a mountain of photos to process, but as they are finished, you can find them HERE on Flickr.


(Tsunami Photography) ECDX East Coast Derby Extravaganza Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/7/ECDX Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:49:27 GMT
Supermoon, Superfamily, Superfriend https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Supermoon-Superfamily-Superfriend On Waties Island durring the June ‘Supermoon.’



(Tsunami Photography) Local Moon Photography Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Supermoon-Superfamily-Superfriend Tue, 25 Jun 2013 13:06:01 GMT
Sunset at Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Sunset-at-Waties-Island LK_20130622_0313_HDR-sm

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography Sunset Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Sunset-at-Waties-Island Tue, 25 Jun 2013 13:04:30 GMT
Long Exposure to Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Long-Exposure-to-Derby Sometimes an ooops turns out well:

Long exposure during the Carolina Bootleggers at Cape Fear Black Harrts Roller Derby Bout:


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Long-Exposure-to-Derby Sun, 16 Jun 2013 10:59:43 GMT
Waties Island 2013 https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Waties-Island-2013 Lesley and I went to Waties Island, a coastal barrier island administered by Coastal Carolina University, to take some photos at sunset. We ended up seeing a bit more than the sunset, though:

Ghost Crab:







(Tsunami Photography) Ghost Crab Local Photography South Carolina Sunset Waties Island https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Waties-Island-2013 Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:56:25 GMT
Blue Ridge 2013 https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Blue-Ridge-2013 After the Roller Derby bout in Asheville this weekend, we drove down the Blue Ridge Parkway and Rt. 276 towards Brevard, NC. The day was a bit rainy, but that was OK, as it provided some interesting light, and not a lot of tourists getting in front of the camera. The overcast sky also allowed me to take longer exposure photos of waterfalls than I would have normally been able to without a neutral density filter. Below are our photos of Looking Glass Falls, Chestnut Cove Overlook, and the stairs to the Mt. Pisgah overlook. The last two are combinations of three different exposures.






(Tsunami Photography) Blue Ridge Mountains Blue Ridge Parkway Photography Travel Waterfalls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Blue-Ridge-2013 Mon, 03 Jun 2013 18:04:43 GMT
Storm over SC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Storm-over-SC Storm clouds on the way back from Asheville yesterday. Lots of rain and wind was all we got, thankfully.

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Thunderstorm Travel clouds weather https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/6/Storm-over-SC Mon, 03 Jun 2013 12:27:24 GMT
Got To Be NC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/5/Got-To-Be-NC This weekend, Lesley and I went to Dorton Arena in Raleigh for the Carolina Rollergirls’ Got To Be NC tournament. I took the Alien Bees with the long-throw reflectors. Electrical plugs were a bit limited, so I had to plug in where I could. Dorton has a lot of natural light, so the strobes were a lot more balanced with the ambient than they had been the week before. There were six women’s bouts and two men’s exhibitions:

Links are to the full sets on Flickr:

Carolina vs. Charm City

Blue Ridge vs. Killamazoo

DaVille Villains vs Collision Men’s Derby

Carolina vs. Killamazoo

Blue Ridge vs. Charm City

Charm City vs. Killamazoo

Blue Ridge vs. Carolina

(Tsunami Photography) Blue Ridge Rollergirls Carolina Rollergirls Charm City Rollergirls Dorton Arena Got To Be NC Killamazoo Rollergirls Photography Raleigh NC Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/5/Got-To-Be-NC Mon, 20 May 2013 09:16:21 GMT
Lesley and me https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/5/Lesley-and-me While self-portrait practices for headshots, Lesley wandered by:


(Tsunami Photography) Family Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/5/Lesley-and-me Fri, 03 May 2013 05:35:03 GMT
Charlotte B-Dazzlers at Palmetto State https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Charlotte-B-Dazzlers-at-Palmetto-State Full Set can be found on Flickr.


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Charlotte-B-Dazzlers-at-Palmetto-State Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:52:02 GMT
British Columbia Trip, 1998 https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/British-Columbia-Trip-1998 In May of 1998, I went to an international climatology conference in Whistler, BC. I brought along an old Canon AE-1 camera, two rolls of Kodak Gold 100 film, and a little bit of knowledge about how to work it. It was ironic that my research consisted of analyzing digital images of the Earth taken by satellite sensors, but on the ground film was still really best option. These are photos from two side trips I made during the conference, up and down the Sea-to-Sky Highway. I scanned them this week, and tried to clean the negatives up as much as I could. I also spent a while on the web, trying to identify the places I was. Identifiable are Brandywine Falls, Nairn Falls and Joffre Lakes.

Joffre Lakes

Brandywine Falls

Nairn Falls

Lower Joffre Lake


Nairn Falls


(Tsunami Photography) Brandywine Falls British Columbia Canada Joffre Lakes Nairn Falls Photography Travel Whistler https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/British-Columbia-Trip-1998 Mon, 29 Apr 2013 18:02:14 GMT
Eastern Carolina at Cape Fear Black Harrts https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Eastern-Carolina-at-Cape-Fear-Black-Harrts Full set can be found on Flickr


(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Eastern-Carolina-at-Cape-Fear-Black-Harrts Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:47:46 GMT
Computer Build – Winter 2012 https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Computer-Build-Winter-2012 This past winter, I got tired of my computer slowing to a crawl when running CPU hungry programs like Lightroom. So I broke down and bought the components for a completely new build:
And the reward:

(Tsunami Photography) Asides Computer https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/4/Computer-Build-Winter-2012 Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:27:30 GMT
The Visions of a Sane Person? https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/The-Visions-of-a-Sane-Person I visualize individual numbers and letters in specific colors and spatial representations. Both of these types of mental representations are forms of synesthesia, and were first described by Sir Francis Galton in 1881, in “The Visions of Sane Persons” and “Visualized Numerals” and has been the subject of several psychological studies in recent years*. The spatial representation of numbers in the mind is called a number form. My friend Matt has a longer description over at his blog, Many Worlds Theory. Since mine is mainly a photographic blog, I will simply illustrate:


*Noam Sagiv, Julia Simner, James Collins, Brian Butterworth, Jamie Ward, What is the relationship between synaesthesia and visuo-spatial number forms?, Cognition, Volume 101, Issue 1, August 2006, Pages 114-128, ISSN 0010-0277, 10.1016/j.cognition.2005.09.004.

(Tsunami Photography) Asides Francis Galton Science number forms synesthesia https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/The-Visions-of-a-Sane-Person Sat, 30 Mar 2013 19:09:54 GMT
Cape Fear at Charlotte, 2013 https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Cape-Fear-at-Charlotte-2013 This year’s bout between Cape Fear and Charlotte was a great one, that went down to the wire, Charlotte won this time. I was fairly happy with the photos that I took, but decided that the colors of the uniforms did not stand out enough from the background; black and white, however, looked better. The full set can be found here.






(Tsunami Photography) Cape Fear Rollergirls Charlotte NC Charlotte Rollergirls Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Cape-Fear-at-Charlotte-2013 Mon, 25 Mar 2013 18:11:34 GMT
Wake Forest https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Wake-Forest The quad at Wake Forest. Wait Chapel, with Spring in the air and TP in the trees.



(Tsunami Photography) Travel Wake Forest University https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Wake-Forest Sat, 23 Mar 2013 22:08:04 GMT
Ed and Jean https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Ed-and-Jean Last week I went and visited Ed and Jean Christman, in Winston-Salem. Ed was the chaplain at Wake Forest University while I was there. Ed and Jean are two of the nicest people that you ever could meet, and two very influential people in my life. They are just as fun and as nutty as they ever were, and are utterly happy together:


(Tsunami Photography) Friends Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Ed-and-Jean Sat, 23 Mar 2013 22:01:56 GMT
Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS) https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Comet-C/2011-L4-PANSTARRS LK_20130313_0053-sm

We took photos of the PanSTARRS comet from the roof of our house, just after sunset. The comet was visible below the moon for about 30 minutes before it set below the tree line.

(Tsunami Photography) C/2011 L4 Local PanSTARRS Photography Science comet https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Comet-C/2011-L4-PANSTARRS Wed, 13 Mar 2013 20:22:00 GMT
Lowcountry Highrollers at Cape Fear https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Lowcountry-Highrollers-at-Cape-Fear At the Schwartz Center in Wilmington, NC. It was close for the first half. but the visiting team from Charleston pulled away in the second half. The full set can be found on Flickr.





(Tsunami Photography) Cape Fear Rollergirls Lowcountry Highrollers Photography Roller Derby Schwartz Center Wilmington NC https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Lowcountry-Highrollers-at-Cape-Fear Sun, 10 Mar 2013 19:34:42 GMT
The Balvenie. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/The-Balvenie Doublewood

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography single malt whisky https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/The-Balvenie Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:21:26 GMT
Dulcimer https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Dulcimer Playing scales on a Dulcimer made by my great-great-grandfather. (Probably around the year 1900)



(Tsunami Photography) Family Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/3/Dulcimer Sat, 02 Mar 2013 08:17:11 GMT
Girls Basketball: Crestwood at North Myrtle Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Girls-Basketball-Crestwood-at-North-Myrtle-Beach 3rd round of the SC State Playoffs. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Girls-Basketball-Crestwood-at-North-Myrtle-Beach Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:11:09 GMT
Girls Basketball: Hilton Head at North Myrtle Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Girls-Basketball-Hilton-Head-at-North-Myrtle-Beach 2nd round of the SC State Playoffs. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Girls-Basketball-Hilton-Head-at-North-Myrtle-Beach Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:05:30 GMT
Boys Basketball: Crestwood at North Myrtle Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Boys-Basketball-Crestwood-at-North-Myrtle-Beach 1st round of the SC State Playoffs. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Boys-Basketball-Crestwood-at-North-Myrtle-Beach Sun, 17 Feb 2013 16:58:16 GMT
Darlington at North Myrtle Beach HS https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Darlington-at-North-Myrtle-Beach-HS 1st round of the SC State Playoffs. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Basketball Darlington High School Local North Myrtle Beach High School Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Darlington-at-North-Myrtle-Beach-HS Fri, 15 Feb 2013 16:20:23 GMT
Afternoon in Vereen Gardens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Afternoon-in-Vereen-Gardens Scouting for locations in Vereen Gardens. A little silliness ensued:


(Tsunami Photography) Little River SC Local Photography Vereen Gardens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/Afternoon-in-Vereen-Gardens Sat, 09 Feb 2013 19:14:22 GMT
North Myrtle Beach High School Basketball https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/North-Myrtle-Beach-High-School-Basketball The games vs. Georgetown High School last week were the first time that I had tried off-camera flash for basketball. Overall I’m pretty pleased. The full set can be found here.

This game was where NMBHS player India Farmer scored her 1000th career point:

(Tsunami Photography) Basketball Georgetown High School Little River SC Local North Myrtle Beach High School Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/2/North-Myrtle-Beach-High-School-Basketball Mon, 04 Feb 2013 15:48:03 GMT
Sunset at Oak Island Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Sunset-at-Oak-Island-Beach LK_20130120_0101-sm by Tsunami (Louis Keiner)
LK_20130120_0101-sm, a photo by Tsunami (Louis Keiner) on Flickr.

Taken with a warming filter over the flash.

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Sunset-at-Oak-Island-Beach Mon, 21 Jan 2013 08:38:59 GMT
North Myrtle Beach High School Basketball https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/North-Myrtle-Beach-High-School-Basketball LK_20130118_0496-sm by Tsunami (Louis Keiner)
LK_20130118_0496-sm, a photo by Tsunami (Louis Keiner) on Flickr.

I got my 24-70 lens back from Canon repair on Thursday. Just in time to shoot a High School basketball game. Full set here: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjDF1Fys

Via Flickr:
High School Basketball: Myrtle Beach at North Myrtle Beach, 1/18/2013

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/North-Myrtle-Beach-High-School-Basketball Thu, 17 Jan 2013 08:53:42 GMT
First Lego League Competition https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/First-Lego-League-Competition Coastal Carolina hosted a regional tournament for the First Lego League competition this past week. I was working as a judge, but was fortunate to have the opportunity to also take photos of these future scientists in action:


(Tsunami Photography) Coastal Carolina University First Lego League Lego Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/First-Lego-League-Competition Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:52:19 GMT
Smoke https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Smoke Experimenting with smoke – trying to determine the best way to get the effect that I’m looking for.

This photo is a combination of 4 photos – separate ones for the smoke and face, illuminated with a flash when the candles were blown out, and two to get the dynamic range of the candles while lit. Why the combination? The candles unfortunately do not actually smoke a lot while they are lit, and put out a lot of smoke only for a short time after the flame is extinguished.

Incense, on the other hand, smokes for a long time after being blown out:

(Tsunami Photography) Photography smoke https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Smoke Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:45:32 GMT
Happy New Year https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Happy-New-Year LK_20121230_0081-sm Let’s hope this year is better than the last.

(Tsunami Photography) Asides Happy New Year https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2013/1/Happy-New-Year Tue, 01 Jan 2013 07:03:37 GMT
2012 Roller Derby Highlights https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/2012-Roller-Derby-Highlights 2012 was a year I’d mostly like to forget, except for a few things like derby photography. Here are 125 of my favorite images from 2012. If you’d like a more comprehensive best-of from each bout, you can see those HERE.

(Tsunami Photography) Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/2012-Roller-Derby-Highlights Mon, 24 Dec 2012 17:23:16 GMT
Where’s Wald….Geminid? https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/Where-s-Wald-Geminid I was outside tonight looking at the Geminid meteor shower. I saw a lot of great ones, streaking across the sky, but unfortunately they were all camera shy. This is a combination of 10 eight-second exposures. I believe the bright orange one is Jupiter.

(Tsunami Photography) Local Photography Science Stars https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/Where-s-Wald-Geminid Thu, 13 Dec 2012 22:40:58 GMT
Sunset again https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/Sunset-again It’s been a while since I felt like photographing the sunset at Cherry Grove, but here was tonight’s. Four different styles of HDR tone-mapping:





(Tsunami Photography) Cherry Grove SC HDR Hog Inlet Pier Local Photography https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/12/Sunset-again Sun, 09 Dec 2012 17:32:24 GMT
WFTDA Championships https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/11/WFTDA-Championships Lots of great roller derby in Atlanta this week. All my photos can be found on Flickr, or Facebook, or if you prefer the slideshow:

(Tsunami Photography) Atlanta GA Championships Photography Roller Derby WFTDA https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/11/WFTDA-Championships Fri, 09 Nov 2012 17:54:10 GMT
Atlanta https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/11/Atlanta Last weekend I was fortunate to be able to travel to Atlanta to photograph the WFTDA Championships. We stayed at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel:

(Tsunami Photography) Atlanta Marriott Marquis Photography Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/11/Atlanta Thu, 08 Nov 2012 05:03:41 GMT
River City Poe’s Punishers at Lowcountry Highrollers https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/River-City-Poe-s-Punishers-at-Lowcountry-Highrollers Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Charleston SC Lowcountry Highrollers Photography River City Rollergirls Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/River-City-Poe-s-Punishers-at-Lowcountry-Highrollers Mon, 29 Oct 2012 05:53:23 GMT
River City Uncivil Warriors vs. Lowcountry Bruisin’ Betties https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/River-City-Uncivil-Warriors-vs-Lowcountry-Bruisin-Betties Bout played in Charleston, SC, at the Memminger Auditorium. Full set can be found here.

(Tsunami Photography) Charleston SC Lowcountry Highrollers Photography River City Rollergirls Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/River-City-Uncivil-Warriors-vs-Lowcountry-Bruisin-Betties Sun, 28 Oct 2012 05:48:39 GMT
Glass https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/Glass

This week I had surgery to remove a piece of auto glass that had been embedded in my elbow since my accident in May. So what do I do with it? I take its photo, of course. It’s the size of a small tooth. I like it as a model much better than as a part of me.


(Tsunami Photography) Family Glass Photography Surgery https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/10/Glass Wed, 10 Oct 2012 10:23:37 GMT
Soul City at Lowcountry https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/9/Soul-City-at-Lowcountry Photos from the Soul City Sirens at Lowcountry Highrollers roller derby bout, in Charleston, SC. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Charleston SC Lowcountry Highrollers Photography Roller Derby Soul City Sirens https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/9/Soul-City-at-Lowcountry Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:35:05 GMT
Harm City Homicide at Carolina Wreckingballs https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Harm-City-Homicide-at-Carolina-Wreckingballs Men’s derby from Columbia, SC. Full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Carolina Wreckingballs Harm City Homicide Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Harm-City-Homicide-at-Carolina-Wreckingballs Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:59:44 GMT
Carolina Hurticanes at the Richland County Regulators https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Carolina-Hurticanes-at-the-Richland-County-Regulators Photos from the Hurticanes/Regulators bout, at the National Guard Armory in Columbia, SC. The full set can be found here.


(Tsunami Photography) Carolina Hurticanes Photography Richland County Regulators Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Carolina-Hurticanes-at-the-Richland-County-Regulators Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:37:38 GMT
Atlanta Rollergirls at Cape Fear Rollergirls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Atlanta-Rollergirls-at-Cape-Fear-Rollergirls Photos from the Atlanta at Cape Fear bout, won by Atlanta. The full set can be found here.






(Tsunami Photography) Atlanta Rollergirls Cape Fear Rollergirls Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Atlanta-Rollergirls-at-Cape-Fear-Rollergirls Tue, 07 Aug 2012 17:21:09 GMT
Palmetto State Rollergirls at Cape Fear Black Harrts https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Palmetto-State-Rollergirls-at-Cape-Fear-Black-Harrts Photos from the Palmetto State at Cape Fear Black Harrts bout, won by Palmetto State. The full set can be seen here.






(Tsunami Photography) Cape Fear Rollergirls Palmetto State Rollergirls Photography Roll Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/8/Palmetto-State-Rollergirls-at-Cape-Fear-Black-Harrts Mon, 06 Aug 2012 17:15:20 GMT
One last time https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/One-last-time Day 21: Goodbye Scotland. I’m writing this from my home computer. This morning, we got up at 5 AM (British Time) to make the flight home across the ocean. Since that’s when the summer sun comes up at that latitude, it was the one day that we were up during the golden, morning sunlight. Of course there was one more castle on the way to the airport:

Kilchurn Castle, on Loch Awe:

(Tsunami Photography) Kilchurn Castle Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/One-last-time Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:24:26 GMT
Segways https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Segways Day 20: Last day before we leave. We went into Oban for groceries and one last fish-and-chips, and to the Tralee Segway Centre today. Lesley, Emma and Janet learned how to pilot all-terrain Segways around, while I took photos. Now back to packing…

Sporting Fashion Umbrellas at Tesco's Emma and her milk Formalwear Oban Harbour Oban Harbour Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Tralee Segway Center Shores of Ardmucknish Bay Shores of Ardmucknish Bay Shores of Ardmucknish Bay


(Tsunami Photography) Scotland Tralee Segway Centre Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Segways Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:27:07 GMT
Sunday https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Sunday Day 19: Sunday. Resting up before we leave.

Andy, Kate, Mamie, Lesley, Emma and Janet:

Lesley and Emma riding the Ferrari lawnmower:

(Tsunami Photography) Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Sunday Sun, 29 Jul 2012 09:58:43 GMT
A slower day… https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/A-slower-day Day 18: A day back in Oban. We went out today to tour Dunstaffnage Castle, right down the road. We’d been to the grounds earlier, but this time went inside. Emma did her usual exploring while Lesley and I took photos. After a drive down to the harbor, it was time for fish and chips again. In the afternoon, we hiked up the hill behind Norrie and Janet’s house to get a good view of the glen, lock, sea and isles. Tonight, Norrie’s brother Jim and family came for dinner. The well at Dunstaffnage Castle Emma at Dunstaffnage Castle View out the arrowslit of Dunstaffnage Castle Dunstaffnage Harbour Emma and Lesley at Dunstaffnage Castle Lesley Louis The front of Dunstaffnage Castle. The upper residence is under construction. The regatta in Oban Harbour The Mull ferry coming into the harbour Ducks surprised by our approach Emma on the hill above Connel and Loch Etive Panorama of the sea, isles, loch and glen Emma and Janet The back of Norrie and Janet's house

(Tsunami Photography) Oban Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/A-slower-day Sat, 28 Jul 2012 16:23:04 GMT
Castles and Wind and Rainbows. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Castles-and-Wind-and-Rainbows Day 17: We started off from Uig, around the single track road around the northern tip of Skye. Cold and windswept is pretty much the way to describe this edge of the island. We alternated sun and driving rain all day. We drove up to Kilmuir Cemetery, where Flora MacDonald is buried, then on to the ruins of the MacDonald Castle Duntulm, on a promontory at the northern tip of the island. It was sunny, but to describe the winds as cold and gale-like would be an understatement. We planned on hiking in the Quiraing Mountains,  but there was a raincloud sitting on it (see photo), so we went on down the coast and exited the island, visiting the castle of Eilean Donan on the drive home. Saw three amazing rainbows today, and managed to get two of them photographed.

Flora MacDonald grave Cross at Kilmuir Cemetery The northern coast of Skye with Duntulm Castle. Rainbow at Duntulm Castle Emma and Lesley at Duntulm Castle Raincloud smothering the Quiraings. Kilt Falls The sea off of Skye with the islands of South Rona and Raasay. Waterfall along the highway Eilean Donan Castle Emma and Lesley at Eilean Donan. IMG_0470-1-sm


(Tsunami Photography) Duntulm Castle Eilean Donan Castle Scotland Skye Travel Uig https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Castles-and-Wind-and-Rainbows Fri, 27 Jul 2012 16:23:09 GMT
Hogwarts Train, Skye, Uig and Fairy Glen. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Hogwarts-Train-Skye-Uig-and-Fairy-Glen Day 16: We traveled towards the Isle of Skye today. We first stopped off at Glenfinnan, where the monument to the Jacobite rising of 1745 sits at the shores of Loch Shiel. It is also the location of the Glenfinnan Viaduct, known mainly from the Harry Potter movies as part of the railway to Hogwarts. The railway runs a special train for tourists that recreates this. We timed our arrival for when the train would be passing the viaduct, and followed it down the line towards the port of Mallaig.  From Mallaig we took the ferry to Skye, and drove to the northernmost peninsula, to the fishing town of Uig, where we had a hotel for the night.

Just up a glen from Uig, hidden behind several farms is a spot called Fairy Glen. Take a look at the photos to see why. We spent a long time running around the hills there that night.

Jacobite (aka the Hogwarts Train) at the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Monument to the 1745 Jacobite Rising in Glenfinnan The train again at Loch Nan Uamh. The Harbor of Portree, Skye. Folly at Uig Harbour Uig Hotel An abandoned crofting house on the road to Balnaknock Fairy Glen Thistles Abandoned crofting house in Fairy Glen Loch in Fairy Glen 'Castle Ewen' above the Loch in Fairy Glen 'Castle Ewen' in Fairy Glen Castle Ewen Lesley and Emma on top of Castle Ewen Fairy Glen Fairy Glen The back side of Castle Ewen

(Tsunami Photography) Fairy Glen Glenfinnan Scotland Travel Uig https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Hogwarts-Train-Skye-Uig-and-Fairy-Glen Fri, 27 Jul 2012 15:34:20 GMT
Mull. Staffa. Iona. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Mull-Staffa-Iona Day 15: We visited the islands of Mull, Staffa and Iona today. To get to Staffa and Iona, you first have to take the ferry to Mull, then take a bus across the island to the other side. (This road, by the way, has some of the most breathtakingly beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen. But I couldn’t photograph it through the bus windows, so I’ll just have to remember it.)

On the other side of Mull, you take ferries to the islands of Staffa and Iona. Staffa is an isolated island composed of basalt columns, with a large cavern in one end, called Fingal’s Cave. We missed the puffin nesting season on the island, but we did see lots of dolphins and a minke whale on the way there.

On Iona, we visited Iona Abbey and the Nunnery, before returning by ferry, bus and ferry.

Oban Harbour from the ferry. Maiden Island Duart Castle on Mull Staffa Fingal's Cave on Staffa Ferry Landing at Staffa Basalt rocks on Staffa Path to Fingal's Cave on Staffa Basalt on Staffa Fingal's Cave on Staffa Fingal's Cave on Staffa Lesley at Fingal's Cave on Staffa Emma at Staffa Ferry at Staffa Staffa The Nunnery at Iona St Martin's cross at Iona Abbey Cloisters at Iona Abbey Cloisters at Iona Abbey Carved Gravestones at Iona Abbey Iona Abbey Iona Abbey Iona Harbor Car Ferry at Craignure Lismore Lighthouse Lismore Lighthouse

(Tsunami Photography) Iona Mull Scotland Staffa Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Mull-Staffa-Iona Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:28:50 GMT
Ben Nevis. Glen Coe. Glen Orchy. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Ben-Nevis-Glen-Coe-Glen-Orchy Day 14: Today made up for the past few rainy days. We drove up Loch Linnhe past Stalker Castle (the other castle from Monty Python and the Holy Grail) to the Nevis range and went to the top of the ski area next to Ben Nevis. This was cold and windy, but provided an amazing view of the Great Glen from Loch Linnhe to Loch Ness. Then we traveled up Glen Coe, and down Glen Orchy:

Stalker Castle:

Nevis Range:


Hot Chocolate between mountains

Braving gale force winds on the top.

Click for a larger view. Loch Linnhe and Fort William on the left, Loch Ness on the right.

Glen Coe:

Blackrock Cottage

Glen Orchy:

River Orchy

(Tsunami Photography) Ben Nevis Glen Coe Glen Orchy Scotland Stalker Castle Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Ben-Nevis-Glen-Coe-Glen-Orchy Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:56:53 GMT
Rain, rain, go away… https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rain-rain-go-away Day 13: Vertical Rain. Just to change things up a bit.

Supposed to clear tomorrow. Ben Nevis is on the agenda.


Combination of three 30 second exposures.

Highlight of the day:

The day’s highlight.

Meanwhile, here’s a couple of more from Stirling:

Panorama of Stirling Bridge.

Detail of Stirling Bridge with the Wallace Monument in the background.

(Tsunami Photography) Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rain-rain-go-away Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:32:29 GMT
Rain https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rain Day 12: Lots of rain today. We went into town on errands, but not much else. Lesley’s cousin Fred is visiting, and so I took some photos after dinnner.

Rain Today

(Tsunami Photography) Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rain Sun, 22 Jul 2012 15:00:25 GMT
Bridges, Castles, Ostriches, but no ordinary Rabbit! https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Bridges-Castles-Ostriches-but-no-ordinary-Rabbit Day 11: We started the morning in Stirling, at the site of the 1297 Battle of Stirling Bridge. We then moved up the hill to Stirling Castle, a seat of the Scottish monarchy for centuries. We then went to a Safari park (yes, a safari park) before taking a side trip to Doune Castle, where Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed. We ended the day back in Oban with a dinner of Mussels, Lamb, and Hare.

Stirling Bridge:

Stirling Castle:


Blair Drummond Safari Park:

What am I doing here?

Doune Castle (The Monty Python and the Holy Grail Castle):

I blow my nose at you, you silly english kniggits! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

(Tsunami Photography) Doune Castle Scotland Stirling Stirling Castle Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Bridges-Castles-Ostriches-but-no-ordinary-Rabbit Sat, 21 Jul 2012 18:17:04 GMT
Stirling. Wallace. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Stirling-Wallace Day 10: Kelvingrove (Again) and the William Wallace Monument in Stirling.

The Kelvingrove Museum was so interesting we went again today on our way to Stirling. In Stirling, we visited the William Wallace Monument on top of Abbey Craig.


On the road to Stirling:

William Wallace Monument in Stirling:


(Tsunami Photography) Glasgow Kelvingrove Scotland Stirling Travel William Wallace Memorial https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Stirling-Wallace Fri, 20 Jul 2012 15:12:24 GMT
Glasgow. Roller Derby. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Glasgow-Roller-Derby Day 9: Glasgow. We spent the day in Glasgow, including lunch with a fellow Roller Derby photographer, Dave McAleavy, a visit to the Kelvingrove Gallery and Museum and roller derby practice with the Glasgow Roller Derby:

The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

“Christ of St. John of the Cross” by Salvador Dali

The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

The slow lane.

Lesley practicing with the Glasgow Roller Derby

(Tsunami Photography) Glasgow Kelvingrove Roller Derby Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Glasgow-Roller-Derby Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:17:25 GMT
Travel. Rain. Landslides. https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Travel-Rain-Landslides Day 8:Travel day. We drove from Oban to Irvine today, to stay for a while with Lesley’s cousin. It poured down rain most of the time we were traveling, which was a bit concerning since we were driving on small roads on the sides of mountains beside lochs. But Lesley was able to avoid the floods coming off the mountain on our way through to Glasgow. After we passed, a landslide blocked the railroad beside Loch Awe. So, not much in the way of photos today; here is one from the top of the pass through the mountains of the Argyll Forest Park.

(Tsunami Photography) Argyll Forest Park Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Travel-Rain-Landslides Wed, 18 Jul 2012 16:05:08 GMT
Standing Stones and Hill Forts https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Standing-Stones-and-Hill-Forts Day 7: A rainy day with low hanging clouds. We drove down the coast to Kilmartin Glen, where there are the standing stones and cairns of the Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples that inhabited the area, and then visited the hill fort of Dunadd, where the Gaelic kingdom of Dal Riata had its seat, from possibly the 500′s to the 800′s. (Sources conflict on dates…)

It’s raining again tonight as I write this.

Standing stones of Nether Largie:

Hill Fort of Dunadd:

on the way up

entrance through the cliffs

view from the top

Lesley with her foot in the impression in the stone where the ancient Gaelic and Scottish kings would place their foot when assuming the kingship.

too big to be king

(Tsunami Photography) Dunadd Kilmartin Glen Nether Largie Scotland Standing Stones Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Standing-Stones-and-Hill-Forts Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:12:24 GMT
Breakfast by the Falls of Lora https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Breakfast-by-the-Falls-of-Lora I walked down to the village this morning to get breakfast. Ate at the Falls of Lora, where the tidal currents of Loch Etive flow over rocks by the village.

(Tsunami Photography) Connel Falls of Lora Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Breakfast-by-the-Falls-of-Lora Tue, 17 Jul 2012 04:00:51 GMT
Whisky and Ruins https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Whisky-and-Ruins Day 6: Today we visited two ruins and a distillery. We started the day at the ruins of a 15th century castle, Dunollie, and ended the day at ruins of the Hydro, a 19th century Hydropathic Spa built on the cliffs overlooking Oban harbour. In between, we toured the Oban Distillery (no photos allowed!).


The inside of the ruins of Dunollie Castle.

Dunollie Castle

Oban Harbour from Dunollie

Cross at Dunollie

Rear of Dunollie Castle

Emma at Little Ganavan Beach

Emma and Lesley at Little Ganavan Beach

Ruins of the Oban Hills Hydropathic Sanatorium

Lesley and Emma at the Oban Hills Hydropathic Sanatorium

The ruins of the Oban Hills Hydropathic Sanatorium

Oban Harbour from McCaig’s Tower

Sunset at Connel Bridge


(Tsunami Photography) Dunollie Castle Oban Hydro https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Whisky-and-Ruins Mon, 16 Jul 2012 15:12:07 GMT
Rainy day in Oban https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rainy-day-in-Oban Day 5: The rain returned to the area. We ate breakfast at Tesco’s, then walked through town by the harbour. We intended on touring the Oban Distillery, but they were booked for the day. We went past Lesley’s old school, now closed.

Overgrown grounds of Rockfield School, with the Free Scottish Church in the background.
(HDR of three different exposures)

Rockfield School, now closed.

Lesley by her old school.

Oban Harbour.

Columba Hotel at Oban Harbour

Oban Distillery

Lake in the hills east of Oban.
(when I get home I’ll remove the wire across the clouds)


(Tsunami Photography) Oban Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Rainy-day-in-Oban Sun, 15 Jul 2012 10:07:17 GMT
Dinner and Fireworks https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Dinner-and-Fireworks

(Tsunami Photography) Fireworks Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Dinner-and-Fireworks Sat, 14 Jul 2012 17:16:34 GMT
Taynuilt Highland Games https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Taynuilt-Highland-Games Day 4: We went today to the Taynuilt Highland Games. It was a sunny day, perfect for watching the games and watching dancing. My shoulder was bothering me too much to use the large camera and lens, so I used the G12 compact camera today:

Afterwards, we went down to Loch Etive at Bonawe:

(Tsunami Photography) Bonawe Highland Games Scotland Taynuilt Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Taynuilt-Highland-Games Sat, 14 Jul 2012 10:17:11 GMT
Churches and Castles https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Churches-and-Castles Day 3: We started out the day at Ardchatten Priory, on the north shore of Loch Etive, The present building is not the first at the site, which dates back centuries.

We then hiked up the trail up Beinn Lora. We did not go all the way to the top, as my knee was not up to that task, but we did get about halfway.

We stopped by Dunstaffnage Castle, and took some photos of the harbor and the ruins of the 13th century chapel there.

We ended the day watching lawn bowling and getting take-away fish and chips.

Ardchatten Priory on Loch Etive

Dunstaffnage Harbor

Ruins of the 13th Century Chapel at Dunstaffnage Castle


(Tsunami Photography) Ardchattan Priory Dunstaffnage Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Churches-and-Castles Fri, 13 Jul 2012 15:16:42 GMT
Beach https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Beach Day 2: The first thing we did today was to visit Tralee Beach on Ardmucknish Bay at Benderloch.

(Tsunami Photography) Benderloch Scotland Tralee Beach Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Beach Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:22:39 GMT
Jetlag https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Jetlag Arrived in Scotland today. Lesley’s dad Norrie met us at the Glasgow airport, and drove us back to his house in Connel, near Oban on the Scottish west coast. He and his partner Janet live in a house called Tigh na Speir (or Sky Cottage):

We were pretty tired from the trip, but we did have the energy to walk down to the village and the Loch to take some photos:

Lesley and Emma in the village of Connel, with the mountain Ben Cruachan in the background.

St. Oran’s Church in Connel.

I’ll be posting photos from our trip here, as I have time.


(Tsunami Photography) Connel Scotland Travel https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Jetlag Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:14:20 GMT
Cruel Summer III https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Cruel-Summer-III Photos from Palmetto State’s Cruel Summer III Invitational bouts. The full set from the Fresh Meat bout can be found here, and the veteran bout can be found here.

Fresh Meat Bout:



Veteran Bout:




(Tsunami Photography) Cruel Summer III Photography Roller Derby https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/7/Cruel-Summer-III Wed, 11 Jul 2012 17:26:55 GMT
Waterfalls https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/4/Waterfalls A few photos from our trip last weekend to the Blue Ridge Mountains. The parkway was closed, but we drove up Route 276 from Brevard to Looking Glass Falls and hiked up to Moore Cove Falls:

LK_20120408_0004-2-sm Looking Glass Falls – A combination of six photos to simulate long exposure.

LK_20120408_0077-sm   LK_20120408_0138-Edit-sm-2
(Left) Kat, Lesley and Emma at Looking Glass Falls
(Right) Moore Cove Falls – A combination of eight photos to simulate long exposure.

Moore Cove Falls from behind

LK_20120408_0117-sm Family photo by Katherine Briody

(Tsunami Photography) Blue Ridge Mountains Family Looking Glass Falls Moore Cove Falls Photography Pisgah National Forest north carolina https://www.tsunamiphoto.com/blog/2012/4/Waterfalls Mon, 09 Apr 2012 12:10:19 GMT